Project Title
Strengthening of Coastal Zone Management Initiatives for the 3Bays Marine Protected Area, Haiti
2020-04-30 to 2021-04-29
Protected and conserved area concerned
WDPA ID 555643716 / Three Bays Marine Protected Area
Diagnostic tool used
BIOPAMA AC objective(s) addressed
This project will enhance the management and governance of priority protected areas by addressing existing limitations in human capacity through training as well as equipment needs, while supporting local communities’ initiatives aimed at enhancing the livelihoods of local people all while effectively contributing to protected areas management.
Priority need addressed
Haiti’s MPAs are relatively new, with all having been declared after 2013. With either no, or at best, extremely limited resources available, this project will address a critical need to increase capacity (human and equipment) to monitor and manage resources within the MPA as well as address the need to provide environmentally friendly and sustainable alternative income generating opportunities for local stakeholders in order to enhance local management of the MPA.
Project activities
In order to complete project objectives members of the Agence Nationale des Aires Protégées (ANAP), FoProBiM, and local university students will be trained in environmental sciences, coastal and marine resources and basic biology, non-lethal (un-armed) environmental law enforcement engagement, laws relating to coastal and marine resources and MPAs, and how to operate various types of equipment (boats, motors, snorkelling, and communications equipment). FoProBiM will provide training to 20 local stakeholders in apiculture as an alternative livelihood and provide them with 100 hives and apicultural equipment in order to begin honey production.
Change the project implementation will bring for the protected area
Without this project the opportunity to provide a presence throughout the MPA through the training of human resources within ANAP, the Gad Ekolojik, FoProBiM, local Universities, and the local communities to begin to ensure proper and sustainable monitoring, surveillance, educational and enforcement activities would remain severely limited, if not non-existent. All of these groups will be provided a total of 10 days of training: 2 days each of environmental; non-lethal (un-armed) environmental law enforcement engagement and laws; how to operate various types of equipment; “water” classes (snorkelling, swimming, etc.), and; field work including wildlife ID, boat patrols, hiking, etc.). To support the development of presence throughout the MPA the acquisition of equipment to strengthen both ANAP’s and FoProBiM’s capacities to undertake surveillance, monitoring, research, and enforcement activities by increasing their mobility is a crucial component of this project. Without this presence, and the increase in surveillance it affords, the continued illegal and unsustainable exploitation of resources would continue.
The second component of this project is the continued development and strengthening of environmentally friendly and sustainable non-extractive income generating apiculture with 2 local communities and 2 associations to provide livelihood generation in order to reduce unsustainable resource extraction while protecting biodiversity.
Marine Protected Area, Key Biodiversity Area, Transboundary areas, Governance, Management Effectiveness, Livelihoods, Local communities, Youth, Women, Farmers/Fishermen, Enforcement, Livelihoods/Alternative economic activities, Monitoring/Patrol equipment